Welcome to SSM Aegis 1.4!
(Readme edited by DarkLite)
This version ships with a defaulted Xastrada.lua file, to help you through the
process of learning what's new in SSM Aegis. Please note, in order to help cater
to the specifics of your server, edit Xastrada.lua to your own server's needs. Please make sure to change anything marked "CHANGEME!" in Xastrada to your own
-- Installation --
Installation of SSM Aegis 1.4 is very different from previous SSM versions.
Please read and follow these directions very carefully. Failure to do so will
result in an improper installation.
Step 1) Unpack everything in your root directory (install location, with Game, Bin32, etc). There should be a folder AEGIS with Xastrada.lua and folders called "Chat_commands", "ssm_logs" and "flags" in, a folder in \Game called "bans" with three .lua files in, and a Mods folder containing \AEGIS\Bin32, \Bin64 and \Game. Each of the Bin folders should contain a DLL, and \Game should contain ZZastrada.pak.
Step 2) Change your startup command line to include "-mod AEGIS" at the end. (without the quotes) See Step 2 Ext. for more
Step 3) Edit astrada.cfg to point to the files as shown below.
Step 4) Modify AEGIS/Xastrada.lua for your server.
Step 6) Start the server.
1. Only one line is required with SSM AEGIS 1.4:
x_set_root_dir C:\Install\Location\Of\Wars
Change the filepath to point to your root directory, and then save + close the file. AEGIS will calculate remaining filepaths automatically.
On a successful startup, the server.log should have the following lines in it, although the directories may be different for your setup:
[AEGIS] Crysis Wars SSM Aegis 1.4 loaded
[AEGIS] Configuring folder structure...
[AEGIS] Root directory: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis Wars\
[AEGIS] Config directory: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis Wars\AEGIS\
[AEGIS] Log directory: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis Wars\AEGIS\ssm_logs\
[AEGIS] Flag directory: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis Wars\AEGIS\flags\
[AEGIS] Folder structure configured!
[AEGIS] configuration loaded successfully.
-- Incomplete changelog from SSM Aegis 1.3 --
Rearranged the folder structure. Sorry, peeps ;]
Fixed a bug where deleting an admin ID would produce duplicate messages
Fixed a bug whereby "nil channel" RMI errors would appear on kills
Tweaked Chat Trigger code to try and remove errors
Tweaked XSpawnVehicle so that any player can get in the spawned vehicle
Reworked all Community Commands. They now use _time and are neater (thanks to TITAN!)
Updated bansystem:
-Added options in Xastrada to enable/disable the bansystem
-Added IP Bans
-Added Domain Bans
-Added option to send ban-check messages on connection
Added KillStreaks for all game modes
Added center messages to team
Usergroups System:
-Added Premium usergroup system
-Added commands "x_premium_id_add" and "x_premium_id_del" (Adds/Deletes a profile id from the list of premium players)
-Added commands "x_premium_add" and "x_premium_del" (Adds/Deletes a player from the list of premium players)
-Added command "x_premium_list" (Lists premium players)
-Added customisable equips for the Premium usergroup configurable via Xastrada.lua
-Added Premium chat command handling {premiumOnly=true;}
-Added option to disable premium chatcommands
-Added option to make Premium players immune to ping checks
-Added big welcome message and chat welcome message by usergroup
HQ System:
-Configurable HQ health (set a number of TAC hits)
-Option to send damage percentage notification via center message
-Option to reward the HQ shooter with adjustable PP and CP
Chat Commands:
-Reworked Community Commands to use _time
-Reworked !map
-Reworked !team
-Added !mapthen
-Added !mapabort
-Added !nextmap
-Added !kick
-Added !ban
-Added !permaban
-Added !restart
-Added !punish
-Added !firework/bigfirework
-Added !name
-Added !party
-Added !reset
-Added !score
-Added !smoke/bigsmoke
-Added !stuck
-Credit for all chat commands except !permaban to TITAN
Added option to display spam messages under the timefield
Removed unused Trust functions
Tidied up file formatting
Optional Mod Pack created, including:
-Custom explosions
-Altered LAW/Frag/TAC explosions and physics
-Modded vehicles
-- Incomplete changelog from SSM Aegis 1.2.3 --
Fixed nil value bug if dll is not loading.
Added ability to recieve and edit chat messages from C++.
Changed Chat Triggers to allow multiple trigger words.
Added Permanent Banning System for Profile ID (with groundwork for other types)
Added Modular File System
-Automatically finds and loads lua files in specified directories
-Improves ease of installation for Chat Commands and other mods
Added XIsNoob function
Added Hit Hack to XDealWithHacker() -- Not tested
Added PM System for admins
Fixed IA Chat Entity
-- Incomplete changelog from SSM Aegis 1.2.2 --
Fixed a bug with boundaries
Updated code to Patch 1.5
Added anti-spoof coutermeasures.
New Admin Chat Command Handling
-AEGIS.chatCommands.x = {adminOnly=true;};
Automatically processes the command without any in-command function processing.
New chat commands:
AEGIS.chatCommands.commands = {}; --Lists all avalible commands
AEGIS.chatCommands.admin = {adminOnly=true;}; --Toggles admin invinciblity
Now Detected:
See XAstrada for XDealWithHacker() handlers.
Installation method has been changed. Aegis now requires the command-line value
"-mod AEGIS" to be appended.
-- Incomplete changelog from SSM Aegis 1.1 --
Code Comments Improved.
Removed TK Prevention
Removed Fly hack detection
Removed Ladder glitch detection
Removed PregameTK features, now 1-setting for all
Changed Xastrada.lua, completely. Just check it out ;]
Changed Log Messages from "[SSM] ..." to "[AEGIS] ..."
Changed Admin Identification from names to Profile IDs
Changed Admin Identification System from a global variables to function calls
Changed XSSMPM(to, msg) to XSendChatToTarget(from, to, msg)
Changed XIsVehicleNearby to 20 meter threshold (from 10)
Changed x_kick and x_ban to accept a reason
Changed x_award_points to accept "us", "nk", or "all" as a playername to give
points to a specific team, or all players.
Changed x_player_team to accept no team, to simply switch a player to the
opposite team.
Changed hack detections to log only by default (overwrite this behavior in
Xastrada XDealWithHacker() function
Added Player Identity Information
-All following info is in number format
-PB Updated (-1 = Unknown, 0 = Needs Updated, 1 = Updating, 2 = Updated)
-buildInfo (1=Needs to build player Identity Information, 0=Information
-All following info is in string format
-Any information Preceded by PB requires a Punkbuster enabled server.
-PB Slot (String Integer)
-PB Power ("0" - "100" String Integer)
-PB IP Address ("" String)
-PB Operating System ("(W)" = Windows, "(L)" = Linux)
-PB Status ("INIT", "UPDT", "OK")
-Port (String Integer)
-Channel (String Integer)
-Profile ID (String Integer)
Added Persistant Player Information by Profile ID
-Kills, Deaths, Suicides
-PP, CP, Rank
Added Secure Chat Commands
Added Command "x_say_info" (Sends an info messsage to all players)
Added Command "x_profileids" (Returns the profile ID of all connected players)
Added Command "x_players" (Returns information about all connected players)
Added Command "x_item_give" (Gives the specified item to the player)
Added Command "x_admin_id_add" and "x_admin_id_del" (Adds/Deletes a profile id
from the list of recognized admins)
Added Punkbuster Server Detection
Added Vehicle Freeze Prevention feature
Added KDR private messages on kill/death feature
Added Send BigMessage on Headshot kill feature
Added Vehicle PP Sharing feature
Added Default values to x_kick and x_ban
Added Punkbuster update warning feature
Added Big Welcome Messages
Added Mass-kill detection/prevention
Added Error handling, to shut down the server in the event of a fatal AEGIS
Improved Hack Detection Efficiency
Improved Speed hack detection
Improved Teleport hack detection
Improved Hacker detail logging, full information now avaliable
Updated for patch 1.4
-- Incomplete changelog from SSM Aegis 1.0 --
Added Speed, Fly, and Teleport hack detection.
Added XDealWithHacker, to globally punish any hackers.
Added Linux compatability.
Added extended map character-set support
Added new log SSM-HACKER-TIMESTAMP to log detected hackers
Added Chat vehicle lock commands !lock and !unlock (by default)
Added a warning message to teamkillers
Added new command X_Time (minutes) to set remaining gametime.
Added configurable vehicle abandon time
Added configruable Overtime options.
Fixed IngameTKer punish detected in InstantAction
Fixed several misc. bugs and issues
Fixed item def limit messages being sent to all players.
-- Incomplete changelog from SSM 1.1.10 --
Spectator Team label changed from "none" to "Spectator"
Added XPrepareMap(); callbacks for map initialization
Fixed uppercase mapname recognition
Changed the way console welcome messages are sent
Added AutoMessage support for major events:
Player Rename
High Pingkick
High Ping Warning
Player Connection
Player Disconnection